In the build-up to the just concluded 4th December presidential elections, there were palpable fear and apprehension that the country could descend into disarray due to the rhetoric and keen combat exhibited by the contesting candidates and their supporters both on Social Media and on the campaign trail. Thankfully, the Gambia again has come out triumphant by going through generally calm and peaceful elections that many on a continent that is notoriously known for electoral malpractices andviolencewill envy.
Given that the election was billed as a litmus test for Gambia’s nascent democracy – this is the first elections since the ousting of a dictator – and we were able to pass through it unscathed, apart from a few skirmishes in isolated cases, has again proved to the whole world that the Gambia is gradually being accepted in the club of democratic nations in Africa.
International election observers and their domestic counterparts,including the NCCE have all given the elections a clean bill of health and expressed admirations ofthe transparency of the entire process andthe mature manner in which Gambians cast their ballots and patiently waited for declaration of the results. It is therefore safe to conclude that the whole exercise – though it produced some tense moments – was generally a spectacular success and the will of the Gambian people has been determined.
As NCCE we are incredibly pleased with the unprecedented turnout of 89% in the elections. We congratulate all Gambians for the peaceful conduct of the polls and exercising their civic duty. We also want to commend the Independent Electoral Commission, the security services, the media and all who in diverse ways made the election a remarkable success. Our men and women in uniform exhibited a high sense of professionalism and sense of duty, while the electorate comported themselves and cast their ballots peacefully.
However, we wish to remind all aggrieved individuals to follow due process to seek redress as provided for by our Constitution to ensure that the rule of law, peace and stability prevailin the Gambia and desist from any actions that can destabilised the country.
We are conscious of the need for more votereducation, and the NCCE is instrumental in this regard since it’s our mandated to disseminate civic awareness to the citizenry hence our intense nationwide civic and voter education sensitisation and media campaign to galvanise citizens to exercise their civic right of voting. We believe better and sustained civic education is crucial, especially during periods between elections to further consolidate our democratic gains.We extend special gratitude to the UNDP Gambia for supporting our intense nationwide civic and voter education, both for the general registration and the elections that greatly contributed a voter turnout that is without a historical parallel.
Overall, we can give the thumps up for living up to the billing that the Gambia is the Smiling Coast of Africa and truly a bastion of peace and now democracy. Once again, we have provedthat selecting a leader can be achieved through the ballot box without blood-letting.